
Monday, March 12, 2012

Vourgha the Ogre

It's over two months (seriously!!) since I've painted anything. I can't remember when I last took a break that long. But I made some time this weekend to start on an Ogre warband for SBH. I bought the minis some time ago, but they've been sitting on the shelf.

I primed them on Friday, and painted up the leader yesterday and today.

Vourgha the Ogre from Reaper

He'll have four ogre grunts under his command. Hopefully since this is finals week and next week is spring break, I'll be able to finish up the rest of the band. It feels soooooo good to have a brush back in my hand!

He's rather a large fellow -- almost twice as tall as a human-sized figure.

Perspective shot: the ogre fighting a band of men, elves and dwarves

Coming at you at ground level!


  1. He's a big fecker and a well painted big fecker....

    1. Thanks Lurker! He is a biggun. He was so heavy I had to take breaks because the hand holding him steady kept cramping up, lol. Of course that could just be me getting middle-aged and arthritic.

  2. My goodness. Lurk is right. That is one well-painted big fecker.

    And three cheers for spring break.

    1. Thanks Whisk! Though, oh my, you just wrote "fecker!" Now my frakking eyes are frelling stinging. My mom would be shocked if she knew what kinds of smegging language my internet friends used! :)

    2. Lurker made me do it.

      Although, I recently F-Bombed my own blog. First time, ever.

      Lurker didn't make me do that one but he was an excellent supporter.

    3. Lol, I remember! Lurker is definitely a great person to learn new words from -- he's taught me quite a few that I didn't know.

      And I'm a better person for it.

  3. Nice work Bard. I have some reapers coming myself. What did I you prime with and did you use a wash?

    1. Thanks Dienekes! I prime with (believe it or not) Krylon Camouflage Black spray paint ("ultra-flat"). I find it gives a really sturdy undercoat, very flat, takes the color well.

      I actually don't do any kind of a wash at all. I just put on the paint leaving a black outline between each color, which allows the detail to show at "gaming distance."

      Then I overcoat the whole thing with two layers of gloss clear spray paint and finally one layer of flat clear spray paint. Krylon gloss polyurethane really gives the whole job a nice durable protective shell that keeps the color from wearing off with use, and the flat of course is just to get rid of the shine from the gloss.

      What kinds of goodies did you order from Reaper?

  4. Excellent job Bard. You've been a bit busy with other things :) so the lack of painting can be forgiven.

    1. Thanks Dan! Well, the S&W game doesn't take up that much time, and besides, I'm totally having a blast with it. The real culprit is work -- why can't I just win the lottery?

  5. Thanks Bard. That's useful info, I was wondering about the black on him. I like that idea a lot. The Reapers I ordered are 02519: Kneeling Assassin, 03047: Torin, Male Thief, 03581: Kieron, Ranger, 03500: Mason Thornwarden, Ranger, 02513: Templar Knight, 02561: Vaaron,  Fire Sorcerer, 03393: Vistaril Quillscratch, Wizard, 03095: Damar, Adventuring Mage and 02330: Templar Knight .

    The goal is to get these looking nice and they should prove to be a nice adventuring party. I plan on putting up some pics on my blog. Next up after these are monsters, I plan on getting a nice range of these from Otherworld, I am a huge fan of their traditional style monsters, some of their designs are taken straight from the Monster Manual. Check them out if you haven't seen them yet.

    1. Those are some great minis you ordered -- I especially like the two mages, Vaaron and Vistaril. I can't wait to see them up on your blog.

  6. Lovely work, you've certainly got a steady hand with your black outlining!

  7. Nice frecking ogre. Very cool and I love the frecking village setting. Whole thing looks great. Freck yeah!
